Designer & Creative Director
2020.10_Female Founders Network Identity_3NT_Page_01.png

The Female Founders Network Visual Identity

Visual Identity: The Female Founders Network

Industries dominated by women presented a huge opportunity for the company and were being underrepresented across branded content. Invoice2go sought to launch a female-focused brand.


In 2020, 40% of all U.S.-based small businesses are owned by women. Only 17% of Invoice2go’s customers are female. Women are massively underrepresented in Invoice2go’s customer base.

Objective: Increase percentage of women owned businesses in Invoice2go’s customer base.

Strategy: Launch The Female Founders Network to 1) engage and delight female subscribers and entrepreneurs with engaging content and 2) increase brand awareness and value perception for Invoice2go.


Brand guidelines created for The Female Founders Network launch:

  • Logo and symbol

  • Typography

  • Photography styling

  • Color palette

  • Instagram profile and post branding