Designer & Creative Director

Web Redesign

'Only Ooyala' is an integrated marketing campaign launched in Q3 2016. Digital, Product Marketing, PR, and Creative teams collaborated to build the campaign, which highlighted 25 customer success stories and Ooyala's comprehensive solution stack. This campaign was well received both internally and by customers, referred to as the best representation thus far of what Ooyala does. Redesign

Ooyala was no longer just a video platform. Ooyala now offered a breadth of products on the path to becoming a true integrated video platform. The corporate site needed to reflect this change in product strategy. Although not a full site redesign, this project did touch 29 pages that heavily impact lead-gen.



  • Increased unique pageviews 103% across Product pages and 63.7% across Solutions pages

  • Improved bounce rate by 17% across OVP pages (Ooyala’s core product line)

  • New product forms converted at an average of 12.2x the existing Contact Us form

  • Form conversions increased 102% sitewide

click to view homepage animation


My role / Lead Designer, Web Manager, Liaison between Creative / Digital / Product Marketing