Designer & Creative Director

Help Center

Ooyala Help Center

The Ooyala Help Center hosts developer documentation, release notes, community and technical support. The site was fully redesigned and select content was localized in Japanese. Benefits of site update: reduced customer churn, reduced support costs, unified support experience across touchpoints, faster on-boarding of Ooyalans, improved experience for partners and resellers.



  • Number of severity support tickets: 15.7% decrease

  • API Docs Number of Users: 11% increase

  • Page visits: 7% increase

  • Average time spent: 3 seconds more per session

  • Site speed: up to 44% faster page load on content rich pages

  • Bounce rate: 6.5% decrease


My role / Lead designer, project manager, provided creative direction to UX contractor



  • Positive feedback from employees and customers with emphasis on the drastically improved user experience and ease of navigation.

  • Online customer survey: over 70% of respondents described their overall user experience to be much better.

  • Benchmark site metrics before and after demonstrated improved overall site performance.


“Just wanted to say that I was in the middle of a project integrating with some of the Backlot APIs so I’ve been reading the documentation for the past few days. And between yesterday and today, the change is amazing. It is so much more clear and easier to understand, it was almost as if the exact questions I thought of while reading something were answered right there. Great work and I’m sure there were a lot of hard hours put in. Congrats to you and your team.”

– Ooyalan